Councils, Commissions and Committees

Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council is the primary visioning body of the parish, assisting the pastor in determining the overall mission of the parish and developing the long range pastoral plan. As the visioning body, the Parish Council solicits the opinions of the parish community, develops the plan to addresses the needs of the parish, communicates the vision and involves the parish commissions in implementing the vision. Commissions reporting to the Parish Pastoral Council include Education, Worship, Stewardship, Service and Evangelization. The most essential and overall aspect of the visioning is evangelization, inviting people to a full and active life of faith and sharing the mission of the church.

Contact the Parish office (586-731-1300) if you are interested in joining the Parish Pastoral Council.

Finance Council

The Finance Council, distinct and separate from the Parish Council and its commissions, is responsible for monitoring the financial solvency and integrity of the parish, as well as ensuring the effective utilization of Parish resources. In this role, the Finance Council assists the pastor in determining the resources available to implement the vision established by the Parish Council. Duties of the Finance Council include review and approval of the annual budget, long-range business plan and other matters related to finance development.

Parishioners interested in becoming a member of the Finance Council are to contact the Carmelita, Chair of Council, at

Parish Pastoral Commissions and Committees

Christian Education/Formation Commission: Responsible for the parish’s formational and educational needs at all levels, assisting individuals with their growth in faith. The Education Commission discerns the needs and meets to discuss how best to improve the effectiveness and responsiveness of religious education programs. The Commission serves to support the continuing education and formation of all educational missions, including Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) for those who wish to learn more about the Catholic Faith and complete sacraments of Initiation. Volunteers serve as catechists, aids and hall monitors at weekly sessions, as well as in clerical roles in preparing materials for the various programs. Those interested in assisting in any of these capacities are asked to contact the Parish Office 586-731-1300.

Worship Commission: Develops and prepares the liturgical celebrations for all seasonal/special feasts, as well as collaborates on the liturgical aspect of RCIA, infant baptisms, sacramental preparation, marriage preparation, Eucharist to the homebound, funeral celebrations and ministry to the bereaved. The Worship Commission coordinates liturgical ministries, including Eucharistic ministers, lectors, altar servers, ushers, musicians, art and environment committee and ministers of hospitality.

Their role and responsibilities are as follows:

  • Eucharistic ministers – Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Masses and prepare for the next mass. The required training to become a Eucharistic minister can be scheduled through the Parish Office
  • Altar Servers – Assist the priest in the Mass
  • Ushers – Serve the parish at Masses in greeting parishioners and guests, assisting with seating, collecting the offertory, facilitating an orderly communion process and distributing bulletins. Ushers are also trained in CPR in the event of an emergency. Men, women and high school students interested in participating should contact the Parish office at 586-731-1300.
  • Lectors – Proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Lectors rotate Masses and are assigned accordingly. Volunteers interested in this ministry should contact 586 731-1300.
  • Music Ministry – Contact the Director of Music, Kristin Glasgow (586-731-1300), for further information or assistance regarding music for funeral and wedding masses.
  • Ministers of Hospitality
  • Homebound Ministers – Visiting and administering communion to the homebound
  • Linens Coordinator – Laundering of linens monthly on a rotational basis
  • Grounds and Garden – Landscaping, planting, maintenance of the parish grounds. Volunteering opportunities are also available for snow removal and grass mowing
  • Fifty and Up Club – A social group that meets monthly to participate in a variety of activities
  • Christian Service Commission: Provide training in social ministry activities
  • Christian Women – Sponsor various activities and fundraising events including the November Bake Sale, Anniversary Mass in April, RCIA celebration after the Easter Vigil and the Graduation Mass held in June. Contact the Parish office for details.
  • Van Drivers – Provide transportation to senior citizens from Shorehaven, Lakeside Towers and Pine Ridge Centers to the 11:00 Mass on Sunday, select Holy days, special services and holidays. For further information on volunteering, contact the Parish office at 586-731-1300.

Stewardship Commission: Charged to foster a parish environment in which Christian stewardship is not only practiced but is a way of life. The focus is to develop a program and coordinate the process for encouraging parishioners to share their time, talents and treasure in parish ministries, activities and support; programs that allow parishioners to discern their God-given skills and talents and use them for the good of the Church.

St. Vincent DePaul Society

Assists in the collection and distribution of food and resource to supply those in need with food and utility bills. A food pantry is maintained with a list of needs posted weekly in the bulletin. Inquiries should be directed to 586-739-2922.