The children will be using the Sadlier Series entitled “Coming to Faith” It is designed to help the whole family grow in their faith through family centered activity pages to be completed at home.
The new edition of the Coming To Faith Program discusses and treats sacraments, particularly Eucharist and Reconciliation, at every grade level. The study of Eucharist occurs throughout the program, with emphasis on the real presence of Christ.
Scripture is an integral part of each session, which includes a Family Scripture Moment and an activity to complete at home. Each text roots the young person and the family in the Catholic tradition and in a Christology rooted in the Second Vatican Council.
With respect to Catholic tradition, the new edition of the Coming To Faith Program also supports the presentation of doctrine according to the four pillars of the faith. The material is grounded in scripture and divine liturgy with of course, a foundation in Jesus Christ. Each of the four pillars – creed, sacraments, the moral life of the Christian, and prayer rooted in and supported by the scriptures – is critical to the child’s formation of a Catholic identity in accordance with and formed by the teaching of the Church. The program also enables the children to develop the skills necessary to live out: their identity as Catholic young people.